If you have reset your Tenda Wifi Router supplied by Ineedbroadband.
Pre checks: Make sure you have your ineedbroadband LAN (black power block)cable plugged into the WAN of the Tenda router (blue socket)
Step1: Connect your pc to the router via a LAN ethernet cable (yellow socket
Step2: Open your web browser, you should be redirected to the Tenda screen, If not then please check your cable. or try in your web browser
Step3: On the Tenda screen tick "DHCP" not (ADSL)
Step4: Change the wireless PIN to the one shown on the underside of the router.
Step5: Reboot your router and wait 1 min.
Step6: Search your wifi signals for the Tenda signal ( Tenda-xxxx) You may want to change the SSID to your own name via the Advanced button, (see manual)
Step7: Enter the wireless pin when requested by your wifi device.