Larwood Ng17 Outage (Reported)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Other - Larwood Ng17 Outage
  • We are currently experiencing a fibre outage in Larwood. Our technical team is actively investigating the issue.

    Further updates will follow as more information becomes available. We apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.


    we have traced the issue to a damaged fibre feeding the Larwood cabinet in Mansfield, we have reported this to or transit carriers and they are implementing a fix.

    we have moved Larwood customers on to our backup line. Note that speeds may be lower until the main fibre feed is fixed later today.




    We have now switched back to our main feed after the fibre has been repaired


    If you are offline reboot your router by powering off and back on.


    If you ahve pressed reset then you will need to set your router back up see here :



  • Date - 14/12/2024 09:15
  • Last Updated - 14/12/2024 12:08